Original Stadelmann Aroma Blends

Ingeborg Stadelmann
Original Stadelmann Aroma Blends
Original Stadelmann® Aromamischungen auf englisch!
(Auszug aus dem Buch "Bewährte Aromamischungen")
English translation of excerpts from the work: Bewährte Aromamischungen. Mit ätherischen Ölen leben, gebären, sterben
From Allgäuer Föhn-Öl / Allgäu Foehn Oil, which provides relief in cases of headache and sensitivity to the weather, and the wound-healing Rose-Teebaum- Essenz / Rose-Tea-Tree Essence to the mourning blend Sprachlos / Speechless and – at the end of the alphabet – Zyklus- Laune/Menstrual Mood, which helps women cope with PMS, all of her mixtures are described here in detail.
ISBN 978-3-9803760-4-4
107 Pages, broschure
Translation by Judith Rosenthal
For all plattforms. E.g. for Kindle as .mobi or .epub! Have a look on your ebook-distributor or buy here:
E-Book on Buchhandel.de: https://www.buchhandel.de/buch/Original-Stadelmann-Aroma-Blends-9783943793185
Autor: | Ingeborg Stadelmann |
Medium: | E-Book, Zeitschrift |
Verlag: | Stadelmann Verlag |

Thomas Stadelmann
Nesso 8
87487 Wiggensbach
E-Mail: bestellung@stadelmann-verlag.de